Include File

key: include

type: s

  1. String:  filename


The include chunk directs the file reader to read the specified file and insert its contents in the model at the current place in the model data stream.  Include directives can only occur at the top level (ie they cannot be nested inside other chunks).  You are highly encouraged to place files to be included in the same directory as the model file that will include them.  It is also a good idea to store each model in its own directory and place all referenced files (both through includes and images referenced by imgFl chunks) in that one directory.  Otherwise it is difficult to make sure that you copy all the needed files when copying a model from one place to another.


include "box_materials.mdla" end  %reader will insert all the chunks from the file box_materials.mdla here

include "box_geometry.mdla" end %reader will insert all the chunks from the file box_geometry.mdla here

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