Cornell Box Human Skin
Cornell University Program of Computer Graphics
Cornell Seal

The following data are from the paper Image-based brdf measurement including human skin. Stephen R. Marschner, Stephen H. Westin, Eric P. F. Lafortune, Kenneth E. Torrance, and Donald P. Greenberg. Presented at Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, 1999.

Each of the three data sets is provided as a gzipped tar archive, and includes raw BRDF samples, along with data on the spectral response of the camera used and spectral emission of the light source. A README file in each archive describes the binary file format used. In addition, the first two data sets include coefficients for the multi-lobe BRDF representation described in a 1997 paper by Lafortune et al., which were used to render the images shown here and in the 1999 paper.

Image of
 Caucasian skin steve-face-981211.tar.gz: Forehead of a 43-year-old Caucasian male. Approx. 10MB. Used for Plate 2 in the paper.

Also available are the coefficients alone: this file is only about 2KB.

These coefficients are also available in a RIB fragment formatted for input to our RenderMan shader implementation of the Lafortune BRDF representation
Image of
 Indian skin mahesh-981228.tar.gz: Forehead of a 23-year-old South Asian (Indian) male. Approx. 21MB. Used for Plate 2 in the paper.

Also available are the coefficients alone: this file is only about 2KB.

These coefficients are also available in a RIB fragment formatted for input to our RenderMan shader implementation of the Lafortune BRDF representation
Figure 9 from paper grace-initial-990108.tar.gz: Forehead of a 9-year-old Caucasian female. Used for Figure 9 in the paper. Approx. 17MB.

Corrected RIB snippet steve-skin-snippet.rib March 27, 2001 because coefficients (but not diffuse color) were in reverse RGB order
Separated into its own directory January 11, 2001
Updated Friday, October 27, 2000 with RenderMan RIB version of coefficients for first two data sets.
Corrected Thursday, December 23, 1999 to correct white balance for RGB correction matrix
Corrected Monday, December 6, 1999 to fix erroneous link and correct scale factor for RGB correction matrix

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NSF Graphics and Visualization Center.
This program has concluded its affiliations summer 2002.

Last updated 03/27/01 PCG www Home