Cornell Box [SAWG91]
Cornell University Program of Computer Graphics
Cornell Seal

A global illumination solution for general reflectance distributions.

François X. Sillion, James R. Arvo, Stephen H. Westin, and Donald P. Greenberg.

Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '91 Proceedings), 25:187--196, July 1991.

A general light transfer simulation algorithm for environments composed of materials with arbitrary reflectance functions is presented. This algorithm removes the previous practical restriction to ideal specular and/or diffuse environments, and supports complex physically based reflectance distributions. This is accomplished by extending previous two-pass ray-casting radiosity approaches to handle non-uniform intensity distributions, and resolving all possible energy transfers between sample points. An implimentation is described based on a spherical harmonic decomposition for encoding both bidirectional reflectance distribution functions for materials, and directional intensity distributions for illuminated surfaces. The method compares favorably with experimental measurements.

This paper is available as a PDF file SAWG91.pdf (4.2M).

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